In the mean time, I manged to get the car on a dyno to figure out what kind of HP I am getting from the motor.
The dyno wasn't able to track my RPM well so that isn't showing correctly. For the run he based the graphs on speed instead. As you can see it managed a nice 233.5 HP and 208.7 ft/lbs of torque.
We ran it 3 runs and it was extremely consistent. the graphs where almost identical between every run.
I was also using my tablet to do some data logging just to see what was going on during the runs. I noticed that at 4300 rpm or so I am hitting 8.5ish PSI of boos, from there it drops by about 1 psi until it hits 5500 rpm at which point it starts to climb again.
I am not sure why it is doing this. will have to do some research so I can understand this one.
Also, I managed to use the left over from the original soft top that came with the car to make a version of a Bikini G-String top for the car. (much needed for the drive to Bozeman and back today.)
the straps hooked on the Frankenstein bolts.
PVC pipe to keep the front of the top in place between the roll bar and top of the windshield.
All in all it turned out good and it saved me a few hundred bucks over a real one. It's not a pretty... but it works good.